Thursday, July 24, 2008


Imma have something else to say now.

So imma decided to write another post.

Congrats to Zubair, Mei, Jowee, Mel Hsu, Qikit, Mini, Ali R. , Wing Hang, Kelvin, May!

You all made it into the CIMP Student Council!

To those who didnt make it, don't be upset.

At least you people got the guts to do so.

As for me...

Imma wanna run for it, but super-duper low on time reserves. [T_T]

4 Subjects + Various other activities out of college = Time-less...

[Advice: Don't spite when you're suppose to promote yourself. Doing that makes one look like an brainless idiot. Zich! \[-_-]/ ]


OB class is fun.

And my classmate is even funnier.

We just can't stop laughing.

Never a period u saw us not laughing [cept for test].


Poor Ms. Janie.

Life is Good.

Imma... feels... like... saying... something...


My mind is still not fixed straight yet.

It still tend to wander off my head. =X


Imma bored. Bored. BORED!

Anyway, of lately, things seems to progress quite smoothly... I think.

Classes are okay, English and IB is boring... Families is interesting... OB is way too funny now... thx to Yasser and Co. ... XD

Social life is... getting more intense. I probably had spent too much this month. Ouch.

Over-budgeted for this month. o_o

Well, like I care though. Money's no big deal.

I had more fun hanging out with friends than playing games at home now.

And I think, this is the reason that makes me wanna stay at college long after class, refusing to go back earlier. -_-


Oh well it seems like I'm juz ranting nonsenses down here...

Off I go...

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I've always wondered...

What do our existence mean...

in a universe this vast?

What's our destiny...

what's our fate...

what's our future?

Who am I...

in this vast universe...

and what will be... mankind's destiny...

[ Picture courtesy of ]

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random Urge of Post - Tags?

Feelin uber bored now.

Juz visited Lynn's blog and decided to do a tag (since she's taggin everyone that reads her blog).

Instructions :Remove one question from below and add in your own question, make it a total 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged.

1. At what age you wish to marry?
- 27. Before that I think I gotta find the right person 1st.

2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage?
- It's okay with me. As long as my partner doesn't mind too.

3. Do you smoke?
-Cigarettes? No thx. Cigars? Maybe.

4. What is the the latest gadget that you own?
- Should be my laptop (6 months ago) . I tend to take care of my gadgets so that they can last for a long time.

5. Who did you mostly texted lately?
- Suyin. (Seldom text, prefer callin. Anyone got msged by me more than 3 times within 24 hours is much of a rare case these days).

6. [Question Changed] What will you do if you could be God for a day?
- Straighten up the World. It's too chaotic now.

7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
- My new bag.

8. Who will you most likely date?
- A girl that I could click with nicely.

9. Where did you wish to get married?
- Seaside. I love it.

10. Who would you ask to go for a dance with?
- Refer to question 8 please.

11. How many kids do you want?
- Depends on my future income.

12. Are you in love?
- Maybe, Probably, Unsure.

13. Where is the latest restaurant you had dinner?
- Aint sure. A typical chinese restaurant near my friend's house?

14. What is your full name?
- Chong Wen Jie. A boring name.

15. Name the latest book you bought?
- My International Business Book.

16. Do you believe in God?
- I don't know. Go ask God.

17. Do you like your relatives?
- I do. Some are freakin annoying though, doesnt bother me anyway.

18. Name your favourite game or sport?
- Football. Sucks at playing it but love it the most.

19. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
- Dennis. Bestie for 20 years. Possibly my whole lifetime.

20. The most exciting place you want to go?
- Mt. Everest here I come!

21. Hugs or Kisses?
- Hugs. It make us feel loved and warm. Me likey.

22. Single or attached?
- Single and available.

23. What are you feeling right now?
- Super lazy. Feels like kicking my own arse now.

24. Point out 5 things about the person who tag you.
- Lynn is... a pretty girl who is a friendly person, looks kinda blur sometimes, and her expression when she's excited is so adorable, and she's an ideal friend to hang out with. =D

8 person that I would tag:
- You're tagged once you've read this. XD

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So many things to do.

Yet there's a limited time for all of them.

Ima going crazy soon if this continues.

Or, if it get worse, ima gonna die soon then.

I need sleep.

Ima ish currently very sleep deprived.


Even my typing pattern and grammar goes all wierd now.



Anyway, a random picture for today.

Nice shoes eh?

Too bad they aint mine.

That's Mel Hsu on the left & Celine d Model on the right.


That's all for now.

Ima really need sleeeeeeeeeep.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All in a Sudden

Suddenly feels like writing again.

Suddenly feels like not editing the previous post.

Suddenly feels like smashin something real hard.

Suddenly feels like strangling my self.

Suddenly feels like I'm such a weird person.

Suddenly feels like I wanna sleep...

Beyond the Expected

Something seems to have gone awfully wrong.

Moments ago things was still running pretty smoothly.

The next moment? Everything seems to ran into the wrong path.

Just what the heck is wrong? What wrong have I done?

Let's hope this misfortune is gonna help. There's a saying like when bad luck comes, good luck would surely follows up.

Although I did have to admit part of this big time screw up of my day is partly my fault.

Improper planning screw things up. Jeez.

Random Things I felt today:

Random Fav Song: Kimi Ga Iru Kagiri - Stephanie

Random Fav Food: Maggi Goreng

Random Fav Picture:

[A hill-top shot of Mt. Kutu (taken on my previous trekking trip) ]

[I gotta admit, my photography skill sucks big time. =_= ]


Anyway, ima need to work hard this sem. Seriously need all the marks i could get.

Let's just hope I wont screw up badly again. *prays*

Somehow I have a feeling ima gonna get drag down by some irresponsible or under performing teammates. Ishk.

Mood is rather mood today. Should stop here to prevent further ranting.


Monday, July 14, 2008

It's been a while

I cant remember how long exactly have I leave my blog unattended.

Probably I should check on the last post date. =/

Anyway, that doesn't matter.

So much had happened until at some point I couldn't remember them properly. Wth.

New semester seems all good to me now... except for the part that I've to wake up everyday morning at 6am or 7am for my 8.30am class, and that I have 2 period of breaks, both period 3 & 4 respectively. Wth eh?

Can't say much about it either. It was what I'd actually wished for. Being in Mr. Plouffe class is definitely much better than being in Mr. Pelland class (No offence, but I actually found that his class is actually quite boring, to be honest), and the best thing about getting into Mr. Plouffe class is... there is quite some number of familiar faces, which ease my nerves at a certain point.

Two periods of break? Even better. Other than having more rest period than usual, also i got the opportunity to join two of my favorite bunch of people for lunch, each at the 3rd period break
and the 4th period break, respectively.

The only thing sacrificed is... more time to roll on the bed on the morning. Ishk. Doesn't matter though. Planned to get up at 6am everyday for early gym training (Opens at 6.30am). Haha.

The timetable schedules freakin changed a lot. The main changes will be from 5 period each day to 6 period each day. Class start at 8.30am for the 1st period and it ends at 4pm with period 6. Each period take up 1 hour and 15 minutes, instead of the previous 1 hour and a half.

CIMP is no more the same as it is used to be, but it's still likable enough.

That's all by now... more works awaiting me. Will update about private life and things about the LEO Club soon enough. Ciaoz!