Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random Urge of Post - Tags?

Feelin uber bored now.

Juz visited Lynn's blog and decided to do a tag (since she's taggin everyone that reads her blog).

Instructions :Remove one question from below and add in your own question, make it a total 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged.

1. At what age you wish to marry?
- 27. Before that I think I gotta find the right person 1st.

2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage?
- It's okay with me. As long as my partner doesn't mind too.

3. Do you smoke?
-Cigarettes? No thx. Cigars? Maybe.

4. What is the the latest gadget that you own?
- Should be my laptop (6 months ago) . I tend to take care of my gadgets so that they can last for a long time.

5. Who did you mostly texted lately?
- Suyin. (Seldom text, prefer callin. Anyone got msged by me more than 3 times within 24 hours is much of a rare case these days).

6. [Question Changed] What will you do if you could be God for a day?
- Straighten up the World. It's too chaotic now.

7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
- My new bag.

8. Who will you most likely date?
- A girl that I could click with nicely.

9. Where did you wish to get married?
- Seaside. I love it.

10. Who would you ask to go for a dance with?
- Refer to question 8 please.

11. How many kids do you want?
- Depends on my future income.

12. Are you in love?
- Maybe, Probably, Unsure.

13. Where is the latest restaurant you had dinner?
- Aint sure. A typical chinese restaurant near my friend's house?

14. What is your full name?
- Chong Wen Jie. A boring name.

15. Name the latest book you bought?
- My International Business Book.

16. Do you believe in God?
- I don't know. Go ask God.

17. Do you like your relatives?
- I do. Some are freakin annoying though, doesnt bother me anyway.

18. Name your favourite game or sport?
- Football. Sucks at playing it but love it the most.

19. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
- Dennis. Bestie for 20 years. Possibly my whole lifetime.

20. The most exciting place you want to go?
- Mt. Everest here I come!

21. Hugs or Kisses?
- Hugs. It make us feel loved and warm. Me likey.

22. Single or attached?
- Single and available.

23. What are you feeling right now?
- Super lazy. Feels like kicking my own arse now.

24. Point out 5 things about the person who tag you.
- Lynn is... a pretty girl who is a friendly person, looks kinda blur sometimes, and her expression when she's excited is so adorable, and she's an ideal friend to hang out with. =D

8 person that I would tag:
- You're tagged once you've read this. XD

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