Monday, July 14, 2008

It's been a while

I cant remember how long exactly have I leave my blog unattended.

Probably I should check on the last post date. =/

Anyway, that doesn't matter.

So much had happened until at some point I couldn't remember them properly. Wth.

New semester seems all good to me now... except for the part that I've to wake up everyday morning at 6am or 7am for my 8.30am class, and that I have 2 period of breaks, both period 3 & 4 respectively. Wth eh?

Can't say much about it either. It was what I'd actually wished for. Being in Mr. Plouffe class is definitely much better than being in Mr. Pelland class (No offence, but I actually found that his class is actually quite boring, to be honest), and the best thing about getting into Mr. Plouffe class is... there is quite some number of familiar faces, which ease my nerves at a certain point.

Two periods of break? Even better. Other than having more rest period than usual, also i got the opportunity to join two of my favorite bunch of people for lunch, each at the 3rd period break
and the 4th period break, respectively.

The only thing sacrificed is... more time to roll on the bed on the morning. Ishk. Doesn't matter though. Planned to get up at 6am everyday for early gym training (Opens at 6.30am). Haha.

The timetable schedules freakin changed a lot. The main changes will be from 5 period each day to 6 period each day. Class start at 8.30am for the 1st period and it ends at 4pm with period 6. Each period take up 1 hour and 15 minutes, instead of the previous 1 hour and a half.

CIMP is no more the same as it is used to be, but it's still likable enough.

That's all by now... more works awaiting me. Will update about private life and things about the LEO Club soon enough. Ciaoz!

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