Monday, June 15, 2009

Wonders of Mindscape

"Swiftly Moving as Wind, Gracefully Silent as Forest, Fiercely Invading as Fire, Steadily Stood as Mountain"

"In knowing the enemy and yourself beforehand, you shall have victory steadily in your grasp."

-The Art of War-

That's a self-understanding and translation on the famous word on Sun Tzu's Art of War.
The wisdom of Sun Tzu is somewhat beyond my scope.
Such methods are still largely applicable on today's world, in almost every aspect of our life.

Swift, Graceful, Fierce, Steady.
All are the essential quality of being successful.

Act swiftly, and chance shall not be missed,
Act gracefully, and you shall not be humiliated;
With fierce determination, you shall not lose faith,
With steady composure, you shall not avoid truth.

By knowing your enemy beforehand, you'll know their weakness.
By knowing yourself beforehand, you'll know your own weakness;
For you, yourself, are your own greatest enemy ever,
For when all is known, victory is yours forever.

~Sounds a lil bit poetic tonight~

June 19th marks the last day of Taylor's CMM first semester.
How fast time goes by is beyond me.
Utter amazement.

Don't really care about the time.


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