Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fall & Rise


Some sees it as the undesirable,
Some even try hard to avoid,
but is it really that bad,
to fail once in a while?

Failure means the end?
Why it's the end?
Is there no tomorrow?
Is there no future?

Failure means no end,
if it's seen positively,
it is a stop,
and a new start.

Learn how failure comes,
know one's own weakness,
and with renew strength,
One would rise again.

Human learns from failure,
however undesirable it is,
avoiding it is impossible,
and since it's unavoidable
only by facing it,
only by understanding it,
only by acknowledging it,
can it be overcome.

Failure only matters little.
Success can mean everything.
So rise up high,
and march forward gallantly.


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