Wednesday, October 28, 2009


My Laptop is down.

My mum stole my Ps2 Memory Card.

My assignments are due real soon.

Can I shout?

Why does parents these days tend to morph themselves into control freak?
Hello? Just because I was playing games with my Ps2 when you're 'visiting' my room doesn't mean I'm addicted to gaming!
Okay I admit I'd histories of turning myself into a game addict.
Reason enough for you to exert controls over me? F*** it.
You're robbing me off one of my daily doses of small fun.
What's next? Clamping down my car because afraid that I'm gonna speed like nobody business and prone to bang into someone's car? F***in Bollocks!

Silly laptop of mine... could you please be less prone to overheat and kill the graphic compartment?
Or is there a need of putting you into the freezer to maintain the heat level?

Speaking of which... The recent P1 Wimax's Advertisement is kinda shitty...
Wonder how did the copywriter comes up with such a daring yet inappropriate tagline...
Which it's quite obvious that not only did it turn out not quite right, while succeeded in being somewhat amusing and more often or not, irritating at most.
There's a comparison of it against the tagline used by Astro in it's Advertisement Campaign of promoting it's Astro On Demand Premium Channel.

It's a showdown:
Astro's [Seen it Already!] vs P1-Wimax's [Cut Already?]

My Verdict:
[Seen it Already!] : A brilliant advert... The "Video Pirate" suprised face was gold. Gotta love how the masses responded him... and it's also give a good whack on the video pirates out there. XD XD XD
[Diamond in the masses of Charcoal]

[Cut Already?] : Quite an amusing one... albeit also being quite inappropriate. Rumor has it that there's quite a number of complains filed against it... Well, I'm not surprised... considering it's not-so-subtle way of giving out wrong impression to the masses. Cut what? Get what I mean?
[Rotten Apple within the Apple Basket]

That's what I've got to say. Let's hope this P1-Wimax taglines is not done those copywriters that I personally known...

Time to catch some snoozes, srsly.


So much for leaving the blog dead...
Traffic down to a new low.
Well... it was never high anyway. XD

Finally decided to blog again. Let's hope my passion won't die out on me this time.
Btw... I could cultivate this into my favorite past time... eh?

More renovation coming up...