Sunday, August 24, 2008

Humans... Malaysians...

I've been always observing how human think, act and response to consequences. The outcomes never ceased to intrigue me. How human perceptions work is, sometime, beyond my imaginations. The world now is in the state of "calm chaos", with chaos infecting the seemlingly calm world, threathening to spread out when order are not properly enforced.

Humans are a kind of life form that are supposedly 'sentient', yet sometimes some situation forced us to rethink about such statement. Let's take an example: Some humans, out of their own selfishness ,ignorance and reasons such as 'we don't have enough time to care for them', abandon their parents in a place called "old folks home", disregard the fact that their parents had sacrifice their own pleasure to care for them. Even crows, a supposedly less-sentient bird-type life form, know about caring their parents more than we human do.

Some human can be really selfish until they disregard anything beside their interest. Some, consumed by greed towards money and power, will do anything to achieve their goals. Some giant coporate ignore their social responsibility, polluting the environment while only craving for more and more profits. Some coporates in the fisrt world nation are actually being caught red-handed on discarding harmful waste to some of the third world country, without regarding the fate of the people in the country that would be harmed by the hazardous toxic waste.

Different perspectives of human aren't something to be afraid of. What should be afraid of are that some human forcefully try to brainwash other with their own perspective while rejecting other's perspectives. Such human have a certain ego that makes them think that only their views and values are the only right ones. Such moves have, and had, cause countless battles across the millennium, wars that are waged only because on one could not tolerate the view of the others.

Relatively, there are some recent event that intrigue me most, and one of them was the condemnation of the forum by the Bar Council on the issue of Islam. The Bar Council had hosted these forum to properly discuss about these issue, but some of the muslim, wrongly percieving these forums as talk to threaten Islam, and therefore decided to go against it. Nothing is wrong with opposing, but the way they acted on opposing the thought of others are more likely to be considered savage, as they rush in to the venue and rudely interrupt the forum, threatening those in the forum, acting like as if they would not tolerate anyone that voice differently. However, there are more shocking acts that came from the police and our nation's leaders. The former, who are suppose to maintain the peace, did not do so, instead allowing the opposers to gain entrance to the venue, even go as far as guiding the opposers to the hall of the forum, allowing them to rudely interrupt the forum. The latter gave statement that are disheartening, stating that none should openly discuss about these supposedly 'sensitive' issues, as if the citizens should not openly discuss about these matters. It seems that the leaders are unaware of the fact that these issues are openly discussed and sometimes debated at our local kopitiam and mamak stores. How ironic it can be?

Another one would be the attempted banning and condemnation of Avril Lavigne. As for those who aren't aware of, one of Avril's tour concert is scheduled at Malaysia, 29th of August in Stadium Merdeka. The condemnation came from the PAS youth party, stating that Avril's style and genres of songs are not suitable for the people of Malaysia, as it is 'corruptive'. - [Such statement is an heavy insult to the Canadian songstress who came from a devout baptist family, whom she herself had always shun bad influences such as drugs or multiplay. Her husband, Deryck Whibley of the Rock Band Sum 41, had previously been warned that if he wants to be with her, he must ceased his habit of taking drugs (rockers are popularly believed to use drugs, which in turn might be a truth).] Annoyingly, some minister that are in charge of overseeing the concerts held in Malaysia, turn to believing in all these misleading accuses, and attempted to ban Avril from holding concert in Malaysia, adding in some reasons, saying that it is not appropriate for such concerts to be held prior to the independence day of Malaysia (31st of August). [Subsequently, the ban is removed and the concert will go on as scheduled.]

Ironically, these are the acts of some in a country that is supposedly 'democratic'. What kind of democratic it is if people could not even voice out their oppinions and decisions? Such suppressive act are the proof that some Malaysian's mind aren't keeping up with the development of the world. They are confined, still believe in the old methods, never learn to grow and adapt, instead shunning off all the new things as "unethical", "corruptive" and "incompatible".

The world are continuously growing. Humans that could not catch up, would be left behind and leave to fend for themselves. The world has evolved into another type of "survival of the fittest", where those who are keen to learn and adapt would survive, while those who doesnt would slowly meet their demise. It's name is globalization, and it is the new game of "survival of the fittest", and looking at how Malaysians is currently doing and thinking, hope is not high that most of them will pass the test of survival.

Time to wake up, Malaysians.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The LoL CatZ

My mind is so full of thoughts now.

I don't really wanna talk much.

So today I'll rely on the lol-cats.

There are a lot of things bugging my mind now.

Getting myself occupied by always volunteering myself...

Seems like a bad idea now.

It disturbs me to think that I might fail.

And I hate failings.

All these bug me so much until...

I couldn't smile properly.


Thx to lol cats.

They ease my nerves.

And bring me happiness.

Are you missing lolcats in your life?

Check them out.


[Credits to lol-cats]

Sunday, August 3, 2008


It's been a while since the last post.

So many events happened since then.

Yet I'm still unable to give a throughout coverage.

Why? Because I lacked the materials and time.

Games are boring, outings are fun.

Games saves money and sometimes, the vitality, but drains mind.

Outings is expensive, tiring, exhausting, yet really fun.

The people that I've been hanging out with is just plain awesome.

Really love you all. You people rock my life. =D

Anyway, changed the header out of boredom.

Slight changes made to give some new look.

Refreshment. Ahhh. =D

[I've been missing the Melaka Cendol for months. *drools*]